Make TWitter Background and Follow Button
Hi Twitter user,I just want to share my experience about change my twitter backgorund with your favourite image and make Follow button.And You can see my backgorund with see my twitter profile.
Not only change your background easily with your favourite image ,you also can cuztomize background title,sidebar,link and etc.
Make Follow Button easily,but when you try to make follow button,there is 2 way for do it.
Oke now lets begin..
Step 1..
Go to
Step 2
Choose Background.
Step 3.
Follow Instruction from twittergallery for installing your background.
and with enjoy twittergallery service you not just can change your background ,but you also can make follow button or Avatar.
for Second way make Follow button you can add this html code on your blog"Blogger"
1.Login to Blogger.
2.Clcik Layout on Dashboard.
3.On Layout, select Edit HTML
4.Then Expand Widget Template.
5.Find those code
put code Below under
twitter_username " + data:post.url' title='Tweet it on Twitter'>
URL Twitter Image'/>
Change blue word with your twitter account and image host.
And Finish press SAVE.
Good trying and I hope You like this post,same like when You read my article about change Facebook background with four step
Not only change your background easily with your favourite image ,you also can cuztomize background title,sidebar,link and etc.
Make Follow Button easily,but when you try to make follow button,there is 2 way for do it.
Oke now lets begin..
Step 1..
Go to
Step 2
Choose Background.
Step 3.
Follow Instruction from twittergallery for installing your background.
and with enjoy twittergallery service you not just can change your background ,but you also can make follow button or Avatar.
for Second way make Follow button you can add this html code on your blog"Blogger"
1.Login to Blogger.
2.Clcik Layout on Dashboard.
3.On Layout, select Edit HTML
4.Then Expand Widget Template.
5.Find those code
put code Below under
twitter_username " + data:post.url' title='Tweet it on Twitter'>
Change blue word with your twitter account and image host.
And Finish press SAVE.
Good trying and I hope You like this post,same like when You read my article about change Facebook background with four step