DEstroy Deepfreeze system

HOw to destroy deepfreeze system i think This is the most frequently asked questions and sought.
Most people also looking for ways to uninstall deepfreeze,cause deepfreeze has strong system,maybe our easy to install but when we try to uninstall many difficulties in the uninstall deepfreeze.And Now i will give you easy way to destroy deepfreeze but if you wanna to try uninstall deepfreeze you can read here.

Download SOftware DF manis here and install
there is three step for run DFmanis

First Install Remove Password Deepfreeze or you can klik icon with boy picture

Seond Install DF Pass Remover 2009 and press change it 3x

And last install Unfreeze and you can change to Boot frozen ..

lets try this trick before you forget cause i think this trick you rarely find.


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