Easy Way Make Facebook Aplication

I want make my facebook more creative and usually i added new aplication for make my facebook page look different,but sometimes i have good idea and my idea is How to create their own facebook application and now I've done...
now i'll share simple steps for Make Facebook aplication.
First You must login to your Facebook account and Go to this page http://apps.facebook.com/applicationbuilder/Setup/default.aspx

and with this aplication you can make 10 kind aplication for Your Facebook,see list below

Friend Interview Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a set of questions.
  • Your users will answer these questions for their friends
  • Your users can post their answers to their friends' wall

Yes/No Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a set of yes/no questions.(ex: Would you kiss Daisy?)
  • Your users will answer these questions for their friends
  • Friends can see the answers of their friends later

Friend Phrase Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a set of phareses.
  • Your users will select a friend and phrase will be shown

News Feed Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a set of pictures/text.
  • Your users will select one of those and able to publish a feed story
  • You can create applications like : Daily Mood

Chance Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a question.(ex: Are you lucky or unlucky today?)
  • You will upload 2 pictures for this question
  • Your application will show the result to your users and they will find out the result of the question

X of the Day Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a topic.(ex: Friend of the Day, ex: Queen of the Day)
  • Your application will pick a friend of your user and they will see their selected friend.

Quiz Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • Create quizes like "What Kind of xxxx you ?
  • You will provide questions and the results of the quiz
  • Users when take your quiz they will get a result based on your questions

Gift Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will upload your gifts.
  • Application's Users can send these gifts to each other.
  • Very Basic facebook application to start with,easy to create.

Album Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will upload a group of pictures.
  • Your users then tag their friends with these pictures and create albums.
  • For example you can create Simpsons characters album and tag friends.

Poll Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You will create a set of poll responses
  • Your users can take your poll
  • Later you will be able to see statistics and results
  • Ex: Which football team will be champion this year?

Write in Pictures Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • You can create your own picture fonts.
  • Just upload your pictures for every letter.
  • Your users will be able to write to walls with your pictures.

Compare Application

What Can This Type of Applications Do:

  • Create compare applications to compare one or more friends with simple questions
  • You will provide questions and your users will compare their friends for these questions

and Now you can make their own Facebook aplication


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