How to know the Quality and Authenticity Mobile
Entered the era of free trade we must be clever to buying something especially mobile phone,and of course you do not want the goods you buy has a label Black market.
For that I have a small tips to know the origin of mobile phone and good quality .
Those some ways to knowing countries where mobile phones are made and authenticity.
First step : press *06# after you will se 15 imei number of your phone.
SO Look look at each row of the 7 and 8 If:
7 and 8 is number 02 or 20 >>your phone made in asia with bad quality
7 and 8 is number 08 or 80 >>your phone made in germany with best quality rather
7 and 8 is number 01 or 10 >> your phone made in Finland with good quality
7 and 8 is number 00 >> your phone made in France with best quality
And if your phone imei number not in the list means your phone is not original or Black Market,if you not to sure you can compare your phone with your friends phone who have imei number with best quality.
Thanks for read and i hope your phone has not Black market label.Read other article about Nokia code that Hidden
For that I have a small tips to know the origin of mobile phone and good quality .
Those some ways to knowing countries where mobile phones are made and authenticity.
First step : press *06# after you will se 15 imei number of your phone.
SO Look look at each row of the 7 and 8 If:
7 and 8 is number 02 or 20 >>your phone made in asia with bad quality
7 and 8 is number 08 or 80 >>your phone made in germany with best quality rather
7 and 8 is number 01 or 10 >> your phone made in Finland with good quality
7 and 8 is number 00 >> your phone made in France with best quality
And if your phone imei number not in the list means your phone is not original or Black Market,if you not to sure you can compare your phone with your friends phone who have imei number with best quality.
Thanks for read and i hope your phone has not Black market label.Read other article about Nokia code that Hidden